The paleo diet is one of the most well-known types of ancestral diet and is one of the easiest to follow. It involves following the diet of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, and eliminating all processed food and grains that only became part of our diet with the agricultural revolution.
This diet has helped many people lose weight, and look and feel their best. You can eat a varied diet of meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds.
Although the paleo diet is touted as the ideal human diet, modern food lacks the same nutrients as the food our primal ancestors ate due to soil quality, and pesticide use. It’s always best to get your vitamins from food, but if you want to can’t afford top-qulaoty organic produce and grass-fed meat, it’s wise to supplement your diet to achieve optimal health.
Here we explain the top paleo diet supplements that will take your paleo diet to the next level.
Vitamin D
If you’re living the paleo lifestyle, you should be getting enough Vitamin D simply by going outside in the sun. However, during winter or simply due to working a 9–5 job, this isn’t always practical. 42% of the US population is reportedly deficient in Vitamin D.
We therefore recommend supplementing with Vitamin D as an insurance policy to make sure you’re getting enough of this vital nutrient.
Vitamin D has several functions:
- Regulating mood and depression
- Fighting disease and strengthening your immune system
- Maintenance of your bones and teeth
For men, Vitamin D is also crucial for testosterone.
We recommend taking up to 4,000 IU/day. The easiest way to take it is through drops that you can put in your morning drink or a glass of water.
Vitamin K2
Vitamin K2 is second on the list because it has a synergistic relationship with Vitamin D. It’s usually only found in fermented food, so most people will need to supplement unless they’re eating a lot of things like sauerkraut or Japanese natto (fermented soybeans).
According to studies, K2 plays an essential metabolic role in bone and cardiovascular health. Taking Vitamins K2 and D3 together ensures calcium is absorbed by your bones rather than getting deposited in your arteries.
We recommend taking up to 100 mcg of MK-7 Vitamin K2, as this is a bioavailable form that easily absorbed by the body.
Vitamin C
Megadosing Vitamin C is used as a way to prevent colds and heal wounds, but it’s also a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals in the body. Vitamin C is need to make collagen, which protects and strengthens your nervous and immune systems, as well as all the connective tissue in your body.
Citrus fruit is a great source of Vitamin C, so if you’re eating a balanced paleo diet (or even a carnivore diet with fruit) you’re likely getting enough. However, when you’re stressed or suffering from a virus, getting extra in the form of a supplement will help you protect yourself.
We suggest 500 mg to 1 g per day. If you want to supplement collagen as well, many supplement companies make their own paleo-friendly brands (like Primal Kitchen, whose collagen is one of our Primal Kitchen Reviews).
Magnesium deficiency is becoming increasingly common, because the tap water we drink is devoid of minerals. This electrolyte regulates multiple bodily processes, including muscle function and energy production.
As well as being found in high-quality natural mineral water, magnesium is also found in beef liver. If you’re not drinking good bottled water or eating organ meats, we suggest taking a supplement.
The benefits include:
- Increased energy
- Boosted mood
- Healthy blood sugar levels
- Better sleep
We recommend taking 200 mg a day of magnesium glycinate or citrate at night before bed.
Prebiotics and Probiotics
A key part of returning to our natural hunter-gatherer diet is improving your gut health. The gut microbiome is the “second brain” and science is only beginning to scratch the surface of how vital it is to our health.
To support gut health, you need both prebiotics and probitiocs:
- Prebiotics: These are found in fruits and vegetables and stimulate the healthy bacteria in your gut.
- Probiotics: These are the live bacteria and yeasts that live in your gut. They’re found in fermented foods.
In short, you need probiotics to fill your gut with good bacteria, and prebiotics to feed them.
Beef Liver
Nature’s multivitamin and one of the most important foods you can eat for you health — beef liver is available in supplement form if you don’t like the taste of organ meats.
Desiccated beef liver contains many vitamins, like:
- B Vitamins like B12 for energy
- Vitamin A for skin health
- Copper for healthy immune function
Beef liver is good for acne, and many bodybuilders use beef liver supplements to gain muscle. Because of all the B vitamins it contains, it’s also one of the best paleo workout supplements.
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