Research has shown that a low-carb carnivore diet could help you delay menopause, as well as ease the symptoms.
The carnivore diet works for women by reducing carbs and processed foods that affect your hormones, and increasing protein and nutrient-dense foods that give you strength and vitality.
Here, we’ll explain the studies and how your diet is linked to this important change in your life.
Menopause, Hormones, and Diet
Around the age of 45 to 50 years old, estrogen levels in a woman’s body start declining, and she no longer undergoes the monthly menstrual cycle.
However, menopause is not just related to fertility. Low levels of estrogen affects your bone density, calcium and iron levels, and disturb glucose metabolism. Women after menopause tend to gain weight around their abdomen as estrogen levels drop.
Menopause is inevitable but it is possible to ease the symptoms of menopause like hot flushing, mood swings, night sweats and even delay the menopause by several years, all by making some dietary changes in our daily life.
How the Carnivore Diet Helps with Menopause
Here’s how the carnivore diet can help delay or reduce the symptoms of menopause:
Cutting Carbs & Getting More Nutrients
Most people consume extra carbs every day hidden in processed foods. These junk foods trigger inflammation and testosterone (the male hormone) production in females. By cutting carbs and processed foods, you can help your body achieve the right hormonal balance.
If your diet is rich in carbs, chances are you will experience menopause earlier than someone who eats meat and fats. The carnivore diet helps you delay the menopause because it’s a zero carb, anti-inflammatory diet that contains a lot of protein, iron, vitamins, and minerals from meat. All these nutrients together help with delaying menopause.
The carnivore diet also improves insulin sensitivity, helping your cells respond better to insulin so glucose levels get lower in the blood. Insulin insensitivity and high glucose levels disturb the body’s hormones, including estrogen, which can create menstrual irregularities. By cutting carbs, insulin sensitivity improves and your ovaries respond better to estrogen — which could help improve the symptoms of menopause.
Eating More Protein & Losing Weight
Carnivore dieters always get a high dose of protein in each meal. Quality protein is essential for a woman undergoing menopause as she is already losing bone and muscle mass. Eating sufficient protein helps her get her strength back.
A cohort study was conducted among women in the UK, where almost 14,000 women were asked about their reproductive history along with their diet. The study results showed a significant delay in menopause in women consuming omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and vitamin B6.
Obese women undergo menopause earlier than normal-weight women. The carnivore diet helps people lose weight and reduce fat from the abdomen. Losing weight could help you delay menopause by some years, as well as optimize your health so you experience fewer negative symptoms.
Conclusion: Carnivore Diet and Menopause
By cutting carbs and adding more protein and key nutrients to your diet, the carnivore diet may help you delay menopause, and also reduce the adverse effects of menopause like hot flushing, sweats, osteoporosis, and weight gain.
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