A carnivore diet is a diet that is based on only eating animal products such as meat, eggs, fish, and small amounts of low-lactose dairy foods.
You can’t eat avocado on a strict carnivore diet, but many carnivores eat avocado because avocado is actually a fruit. A carnivore diet with fruit is okay for many people because fruits don’t contain as many anti-nutrients as vegetables.
Why Can’t You Eat Avocados on the Carnivore Diet?
A carnivore diet helps cure issues such as bloating, diarrhea, heartburn and inflammation by eliminating gut-irritating foods.
Many of these issues are caused by histamines — chemicals that tell our body to create stomach acid to protect itself from things that shouldn’t be in our body. Unfortunately, when we have allergies, histamines cause the symptoms by trying to fight off what is essentially invading our bodies.Avocados contain histamines, and therefore reverse the benefits of a low-histamine, all-meat diet.
Avocados also contain salicylates, which plants use to defend themselves against insects and disease. In humans, salicylates cause such as inflammation, diarrhea, rashes and asthma.
The final reason to avoid avocados is the flavonoids avocados contain. Although some tout the benefits of flavonoids, these chemicals can cause genetic mutations and oxidation that leads to free radical production and inhibition of hormones.
In short, all these chemicals in avocados negatively affect your digestion, that will affect stop the benefits of a carnivore diet.
Potential Health Benefits of Avocado
Avoiding avocados is best for a carnivore diet because of histamine, flavonoids and salicylates, but other ancestral diets are more lenient because avocados do contain various micronutrients.
Avocados are high in good fat but low in sugar, which is useful for a high-fat keto diet or a diverse paleo diet, which encourage the consumption of good fat a source of energy.
A noted benefit of avocado in weight loss is that it is high in fiber, thus reducing appetite and risks of high blood pressure. This quality makes it ideal for metabolic health and weight loss.
Avocados contain folate, vitamins K, C, E, B5, and B6, magnesium, and potassium, as well as phytosterols, squalene, tocopherols, and fatty acids — all things that benefit your health.
Are Avocados Bad For You?
In short, avocados are not bad for you, and can be part of many ancestral diets.
However, avocados should not be part of a carnivore diet, because the histamine, flavonoids and salicylates they contain negate the positive effects of the diet.
Compared to eating vegetables, consuming avocados is much more preferable in the carnivore diet, because avocados are low in anti-nutrients. If you’ve been following the carnivore diet for a while and your gut has healed, try eating small amounts of avocado to see if your body tolerates them.
Avocados are not bad on carnivore in limited amounts as they provide electrolytes to prevent cramping of muscles if other approaches fail.